Case Study: Zoho One Streamlines a Business



With over 40 apps under its belt, Zoho One has become an excellent operating system alternative for businesses. Zoho One is a unified suite of business and productivity applications from Zoho to manage sales, marketing, customer support, finance and operations, human resources, custom solutions, and more. Because we know you’d like to learn more about how Zoho One can help you, here’s a video testimonial of Rablab, a digital marketing agency based in Canada. In the video, some of the company’s employees share how Zoho One helped their business thrive thanks to its streamlined and time-saving processes. Watch the video or read the following transcript*.

Nicolas Rabouille, Co-founder/Project Management

I’m a partner and Project Manager at Rablab. What we do is ad placement. We run Adwords [Google] ads, Facebook ads, we do SEO. When someone has a website and needs more visibility, we give them the visibility that they need. We used to have lots of different tools for accounting, for project management. We started with Trello but it got out of hand really fast because we have over 150 clients.

Francis Jobidon, Co-founder/Key Account Manager

We’re like lawyers. Our business is a business of time and we were losing so much time everywhere being across two or three platforms. Having Zoho One helped us scale way, way faster.

Nicolas Rabouille, Co-founder/Project Management

[Using other platforms] was really expensive because we had to subscribe to monthly fees to each of those tools, so since we moved on to Zoho we got everything in the same place. It’s really streamlined for business because Zoho basically manages our whole business.

Francis Jobidon, Co-founder/Key Account Manager

Before we had Zoho, the biggest client that made us realize the need for a great one-stop-shop tool was Vans. We were managing their campaign across Canada and we didn’t have the feeling that we were on top of before Zoho. Using Zoho helped us nail it down and deliver on the right things we needed for this project. We saw it right after we started using Zoho. We’re able to be more in control of the onboarding process and the sales process. Everything was seamless and really helped us take that step towards being a major agency, even though we’re still small but we’re still growing. That tool really helped us give a structure that maybe wasn’t there before.

Patrick Cousineau, Business Development

I absolutely can’t complain. It’s very, very nice because I was sort of dipped gradually into the Zoho world or the whole Zoho experience. The basic CRM is the one I use the most, simply because as far as customers, the day-to-day, the tracking, we take notes. We can track quotes, emails, phone calls. We can keep the contact information and so forth. It’s just a place where we can place a whole bunch of information that’s really important for us to have close at hand, not only on the laptop or desktop version, but on our phones as well.

Nicolas Rabouille, Co-founder/Project Management

We use [Zoho] Projects to manage all over projects. With Zoho now, we can really track time for each and every project. All of our clients are based on recurring business, so every 1st of the month we send them an automated bill that is programmed in Zoho Books. That really helped us save a lot of time every month doing the billing because we used to pass about eight or ten hours every month just to do manual billing for each client and now it’s all automatic with Zoho. We also use modules for contacts, deals, prospects, so we have a clear pipeline of every prospect we meet and every quote we send. This allows us to have a clear view of where the client is in their pipeline and if it’s a closed deal, or a cold or hot lead. So, we get a really clear view of what’s coming in the next few weeks and months; a good overview of prospective clients and this is really, really good for us.

Francis Jobidon, Co-founder/Key Account Manager

I would recommend Zoho to anyone. We had previously tried three or four CRM tools at the same time for sales and project management, but Zoho is the best one-stop-shop we have tried by a mile, so I would recommend it anytime.

*Transcript edited for clarity.

Are you considering implementing Zoho One in your business? Then click here and sign up for a free trial of Zoho One.

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