Zoho News Catch-Up: CRM’s Autumn 2023 Update, Marketing Automation 2.0, Analytics’ Updates, Social’s Inbox



Welcome to our catch-up, where you’ll be in the know of all the latest Zoho updates in one place!

Zoho CRM Launches Autumn 2023 Update

The latest update of Zoho CRM includes many new and exciting features for its users. We have prepared an overview of them so you can explore the enhancements and make the most of your CRM experience. Let’s take a look!

Path Finder

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Zoho CRM has added another vital component to CommandCenter to complete the journey builder: Path Finder. It allows you to generate visual maps illustrating the different routes your customers follow throughout their interaction with your company. You can identify and cover all possible paths, so it enables you to build a more holistic customer journey and deliver meaningful interactions at every stage.

Templates for Your WhatsApp Messages

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Generate templates for various message categories, including transactional and marketing communications.

Pricing Updates for Zoho CRM Portals

Portal user licenses are now $5 per user per month, the new lowest price. This pricing applies to all portal user license purchases, effective next payment cycle for existing users.

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Personalize Your Unsubscribe Landing Page

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Utilize merge fields to personalize the content on both the unsubscribe and immediate confirmation pages your customers see.

Improvements to Your Home Pages and Dashboards

  • Profile-based home page sharing: Share home page components based on a user’s profile, giving your users more comprehensive insights into their activities.
  • Access multiple home pages: Users can now access up to 10 home pages, including up to five based on their roles and an additional five based on their profiles.
  • Dashboard support in copy customization: Duplicate analytics configurations from source accounts to target accounts for your dashboards, with certain restrictions.
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(Images via Zoho)

Lookup Filters

With lookup filters, admins can ensure that your sales team has access to the correct records when they perform a lookup by defining the right conditions.

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Threshold for Assignments 

Set thresholds on the amount of records that can be assigned to each rep in your business. Now you can set limits on record assignment, set limits on backlogs, and enable automatic reallocations.

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Voice Recording Fields in the Calls Module

Add links to your call recordings, which will then render as an audio player so you can listen to and analyze conversations. Also, you can define who can see and interact with this field for an added layer of security.

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Mail Merge Updates

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The integration of Zoho CRM’s Mail Merge and Zoho Writer allows you to customize and share documents with your customers. Through the use of merge fields, you can seamlessly merge CRM data with pre-existing templates, eliminating the need to create new templates for each document. Generate personalized quotes; agreements; terms and conditions; contracts; among others.

AI is Everywhere

Through Zia —Zoho’s virtual artificial intelligence assistant— you’ll witness advanced AI capabilities integrating into various functions throughout Zoho CRM, including:

  • Suggestions for users’ assignment
  • Lead scoring based on diverse factors
  • Recommendations for existing records
  • Segmentation of your recommendations
  • Context for next best experiences
  • Failed activities metrics for best time to contact
  • Subject line suggestions
  • Suggestions in webform A/B testing

Strategy Influencer

Zoho CRM’s Strategy Influencer introduces comprehensive analytics, providing a holistic view of your organization’s trends and patterns. It offers insights like projected targets, anomalies, explanations for unmet goals, and strategies to reach your objectives, empowering you to gain a deep understanding of your business performance and craft effective strategies for improvement.

Target Contributors

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Anomaly Finder

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Gap Analyzer

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Performance Analysis in Forecasting

Forecasting in Zoho CRM empowers businesses to establish and strive to achieve their targets, with newly introduced tools for sales teams to enhance their sales performance analysis. The new tools are Performance Trends, Achievement Comparison, Comparison Across Forecasts, and User Performance Page.

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Custom Forecasting Categories

You now have the alternative to create two custom categories. Moreover, you can change the color that represents each category (except closed deals). These new categories and the updated colors will be reflected throughout various locations, including forecast creation, target achievement reports, forecast performance reports, and user performance reports.

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(Image via Zoho)

Improvements to Find and Merge, and Deduplication

To streamline the removal of duplicates from your system, improvements have been introduced to Zoho CRM’s deduplication system: customization of search parameters and support for deals and custom modules.

Custom Domain Mapping

This ensures consistent branding and credibility when customers engage with your business on Zoho’s platforms. This allows you to access the efficiency of the Zoho CRM system under your company’s brand name. For instance, instead of using crm.zoho.com, your CRM account can be rebranded to your sales team’s identity, like sales.zylker.com.

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Zoho Marketing Automation Launches Version 2.0

Attention, marketers: Zoho Marketing Automation is finally here! Check out the new and exciting features:

Sleek New Design

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Zoho Marketing Automation (ZMA) has undergone a complete transformation in terms of its visual design and user experience, featuring a cleaner, modern look, improved navigation, and better accessibility to essential information. This revamped UI is aimed at providing users with a more efficient and effective experience, ultimately benefiting your business.

Landing Pages

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With ZMA 2.0, there’s no need for a separate landing page builder. You can effortlessly design, create, and publish attractive landing pages with ZMA’s user-friendly visual editor. This code-free builder empowers marketers to craft pages on the go while efficiently managing forms and leads that drive conversions.

Customer Journey Automation

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Put marketing efforts on autopilot with easy-to-use workflows. Marketers can seamlessly create complex, multi-step workflows to automate intricate marketing processes. ZMA has also introduced the capability for users to edit live journeys at any time, eliminating the need to create new versions.

Segmentation Engine

With over 260 computed fields, ZMA’s segmentation capabilities have evolved substantially. Slice and dice data with precision, which enables more targeted campaigns and a focus on the most promising prospects.

Multichannel Engagement

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Integrate email, social media, SMS, web, and offline channels into your marketing campaigns to ensure your message reaches customers where they are most active.

Personalized Campaigns

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Customize your message based on lead behavior, preferences, and demographics, delivering a highly personalized experience that resonates with your audience.

Marketing Planner

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The all-new planner allows marketing teams to plan, collaborate, and orchestrate campaigns from a single hub. Marketers can collaborate with team members, share best practices, and measure ROI against the set budget.

Analytics and Reporting

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Monthly marketing reviews become effortless as you gain access to detailed insights for each campaign while keeping an eye on the bigger picture. Use ZMA 2.0 to track performance, measure ROI, and make data-driven decisions to fine-tune your marketing strategy.

Note: The migration process for existing users will start in Q1 2024. Zoho has chosen this period so holiday campaigns will not be at risk of disruption.

Zoho AnalyticsUpdates

Tree Map Chart

Explore your data hierarchically with ease and uncover trends with precision.

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Chart Styling Enhancements

Experience a new level of data visualization with these improvements that align with current global design trends. Discover a fresh default color palette, captivating area chart gradient effects, stylized markers for scatter, line, area, and web charts, dotted gridlines, and a cleaner view achieved by removing the Y-axis line.

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IBM Informix

Zoho Analytics now supports live connect for IBM Informix database. Live connect enables real time data analysis as any changes in the source are immediately reflected.

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New Notification Types in Zoho Analytics – Dashboards App

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  • Integration Actions: Receive status notifications for data integration in your workspaces.
  • Manage User Actions: Keep informed about user management and access control actions.
  • Account Actions: Stay updated on critical activities related to your Zoho Analytics account.

Introducing Inbox in Zoho Social

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With Inbox, all your social media interactions are now available in one place. View, monitor, and respond to all your messages, comments, reviews, @mentions, and questions.

Here’s what you can do with Inbox’s features:

  • Track interactions across social media channels
  • Reply to interactions with Zia (generative AI powered by ChatGPT)
  • Assign interactions to your team by creating assignment rules
  • View history of interaction between the user and the brand
  • Follow and share an interaction
  • Group interactions using views

Zoho Named Facilitator in Nucleus Research’s 2023 Embedded Analytics Technology Value Matrix

(Image via Nucleus Research)

Zoho Analytics is maintaining a strong presence in Nucleus Research’s Embedded Analytics Technology Value Matrix, achieving the Facilitator status thanks to its enhanced usability and functionality.

Zoho Webinars

Zoho FSM Product Demo Webinar

Sending Interview Invites Using Zoho Sign’s Extension for Zoho Recruit

Zoho SalesIQ: AI in Customer Service – The Present and the Future

That’s all for now, IC readers! See you soon for more Zoho updates from InterConnecta!

Want to add these new features to your Zoho system? Let’s work together! Learn more about our Zoho Consulting Services and request a free consultation.

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