A Tactic to Grow Your Business Continuously



Like everything else in life, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software needs quality maintenance and support to function in an optimized way and fulfill its objectives in businesses. Based on our vast experience working with Zoho and Salesforce, we’ll explain you how this type of program can help you get your CRM ready for updates, usage maximization, getting service according to your system’s customizations, and saving time that you can invest in growing your business.

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For the Rookies

Having the right CRM maintenance is something that applies to new and old users. In other words, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been using a CRM system for a short or long period of time, because in both circumstances you can benefit from a team that guides you and the other CRM users. For example, we have seen that businesses with a recently implemented CRM take time to find the configuration they need. So, a maintenance team will help the business get to that point.

For the Experienced

Meanwhile, even if it’s been a long time since Zoho CRM or Salesforce was implemented in your business, it’s very important that you consider your CRM processes as a living being. That is, as a system of constant change and evolution. As a result, you and your team must be prepared for those processes and adapt to them. Over time, as you use Zoho or Salesforce and invest more time in one of them, you will see that it will open you a world of possibilities. This is because there you will find more ways to grow your business.
Think on how many times you have gone through repetitive and recurring actions, or in the instances when a product’s better structured sales cycle would’ve helped you. Wouldn’t you like to have had a team that could’ve guided you to implement these solutions?

Beyond Maintenance

Web applications can become their own universe, and Zoho and Salesforce are no exception. These universes require knowledge that isn’t purely technical, which is why they need a technical support team with knowledge dedicated to CRM systems and constant contact with processes for sales, marketing, project management, and much more.

With this in mind, your IT team might be more focused on the functioning of your digital infrastructure rather than making easier the closing of a deal. By not being prepared to deal with situations that are typical of a CRM, it will be more difficult for them to provide answers regarding how to maximize the use of your database so your business can keep growing.

Customized Support to Cover Your Needs

Another important aspect about support is having one that can be customized. For example, even though Zoho offers support for their wonderful and handy 40+ applications, they won’t be in the know of your specific model and customizations. However, at InterConnecta we know our customers’ systems and we can give them support that’s informed and customized.

In conclusion, having within reach a CRM maintenance and support program brings many benefits to your business. This type of program is of great help when you want to focus on growing your business without taking away time from it and avoid the worries that your system is not performing according to your expectations.

Because of that, you must focus on giving your team better tools, meaning an optimized system by a support team dedicated to CRM, instead of teaching them how to work with the existing tools. That way, you will be able to stop answering technical questions about CRM and start answering questions about how your team can work better.

If by finishing this article you consider that your CRM needs a maintenance and support program, contact us.

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