Support and Maintenance

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Only pay for the time you actually use with our straightforward, no-surprise. Experience the flexibility that scales with your business needs.

Zoho experts at your service

A team of certified consultants, administrators, and developers provide you with technical and strategic support 24/7.

Quick and efficient responses

Immediate solutions to your questions and issues to minimize the impact on your productivity.

Proactive monitoring

We prevent problems before they occur, ensuring the availability and optimal performance of your Zoho.


Access a comprehensive knowledge base, guides, tutorials, and forums to solve your questions autonomously.

Flexible plans

Choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget, with scalable options to grow with you.

Real results
Discover how we can help you. Contact us now!

InterConnecta helped us better organize our sales process with a functional CRM that covers the complete process from lead to closed sale. With advanced forecasting and reporting tailored to our needs, we have gained complete control and visibility over sales and marketing initiatives

InterConnecta adapted Zoho CRM to our needs. InterConnecta has been our right hand. Since the first meeting, they were able to grasp our needs and transform the platform to address them. Most importantly, once the job was done, they gave us all the support that we needed. That’s been a very important part of the job for us…not only that they adapted Zoho CRM to our company, but the fact that they have always been there for us, giving us great support whenever it was needed

5 Benefits that will boost your team

Peace of mind and security

Your Zoho will always be operating at its peak.

Efficiency and Productivity

Save time and resources to focus on your business.

Personalized Flexibility

Solutions tailored to your needs and budget.


Reduce IT costs and optimize your investment in Zoho.

Continuous Improvement

Stay up-to-date with the latest versions and features of Zoho.

Request a FREE consultation with an expert sales representative and discover how a Zoho Technology Partner can assist you!

Discover our skills

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