Zoho for Other Industries
We help leading organizations of all types connect and optimize their workflows in the cloud with Zoho
You want all of the benefits of running your organization cost-effectively in the cloud using Zoho

Real-time website visitor information

Streamlined workflows

Reporting and insights by project and/or customer
But you want to make sure everything is integrated and automated for your organization so you can as efficiently as possible.
In other words, you want a customer-centric, automated, and efficient organization
Did you know?
We Get It!
The reason we understand is because that is what so many of our clients —from government agencies and academic institutions to hospitals and retailers— tell us they need to thrive in today’s global digital age.
And, we can help you achieve your goals because we are the leading Zoho business optimizer for global organizations of all types.
We don’t just connect your operations. We optimize them using our unique Zoho Optimizer Methodology™.
Working with InterConnecta, you also get the benefit of our 10+ years of insights acquired by partnering with some of the world’s most innovative organizations.

Some of the best practices we’ve implemented for clients across multiple industries
Single inbox for all customer communications even from multiple social sites (exclusively through our Connect App)
Student registration from website and central platform to manage course demand
Implemented Zoho CRM for local government to improve communications between citizens and government including government record requests, applications and communications to officials
KPI-based reporting and analytics to drive strategic initiatives
In-store check-in app for customers
Free Consultation
Ready to connect and optimize your operations and connect them to the cloud?
For more than a decade, InterConnecta has been successfully implementing and optimizing Zoho for organizations around the world

See Our Case Studies for Other Industries
Find out why so many organizations around the world are choosing Zoho
A retailer doing over $3 billion in business and over 15,000 employees implements Zoho One across their organization

Migrating from Microsoft Access to Zoho Creator to efficiently manage and customize all business processes in an education facility

Zoho CRM integration to manage a health tech company's entire sales pipeline

For your business operations, we recommend the following app bundle:

Zoho Campaigns
Zoho Campaigns